Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Do what you love. Don't settle for anything less.

So as I have mentioned already, I graduate this May. May 8th to be exact which is approximately 18 days away and yes I still do not have a job lined up. I always knew that I could find a job - I've had three internships with great companies, was a hiring coordinator at the age of 20 for a huge retail company, and I have always been involved in many activities in and outside of campus. So lets just say that I am extremely proud of my resume and the work that I have accomplished.

Even though I have applied to as many as 50 jobs, I still have not had a first interview. It was frustrating at first and I even felt like giving up and waiting to look for more jobs till after I graduated. But that is not the way to make it and believe me I have never stopped looking and applying. I have applied everywhere from Ohio, Florida, New York, to Timbuktu (not really but you get the point) because I know that if I want to be in the field of public relations you cannot limit yourself to one area.

However, the point of this posting is that I did get an opportunity through one of my uncle's relations to work in the BIG APPLE - New York City! I thought this was my dream come true because it would be working for a media relations company that dealt with networks like ESPN! Before I flew my "anticipating, can't wait to work here" little self to the big city, I had a first interview with one of the account executives. Let's just say the job description really wasn't what I thought it would be.

The interview about myself went great and then he asked me some questions. He asked if I had anyone I could live with in New York because since it was an entry-level position the pay would not be very good ( but the pay was even worse because this was a position many people would love the opportunity to work in). This itself did not deter me because I was willing to suffer to get my dream job and then he told me the job description. At the University of Toledo I do media relations as an intern and my supervisors are media relations supervisors. We write stories, send press releases, establish relations with the media :), and we use public relations to help maintain the image and awareness of the University. At this media relations company, it is more of a financial consultant position. You take the network's budget and you fit it into what the network has available. This might sound enticing to a lot of people and many people asked why did I not go and see if I could get the job, but I do not want to sit at a desk and crunch numbers all day. I am actually decent in math ( I was in advanced math classes in high school) but it is not my strong suit and I know that I would not be happy. I want to be a public relations professional in a corporate or agency setting. I want to use my creative talents to bring my clients awareness to the public and provide a fantastic image to the community.

I know that I do not have a "job" right now and maybe I still will not have one on May 9th, but I know what I want. Even if that means working at the local coffee shop or waiting tables in my hometown before I find a job in a public relations setting and an opportunity into the PR world. Do what you love folks. Don't settle for anything less because we only live once and it is not worth it to be unhappy.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm Aware...Are You?

Just recently I spoke at the University of Toledo's WGST Student Research Showcase. My thesis was "Human Trafficking - Even in you own Backyard." Human trafficking is occurring whether you choose to believe it or not. I became aware of this modern slavery my sophomore year at UT during my Feminism Theory class. The average victim is between the ages of 18 - 24 while the average child forced into trafficking is 12 - 14 years of age. Human trafficking does not discriminate against race, sex, age, or nationality. It could happen to anyone at any time. In the United States alone 300,000 teens and children are at risk for becoming a sex slave in America ( This is due to various circumstances such as depression, homelessness, sexual and physical abuse, and temptation from traffickers who promise false opportunities. The following are some statistics:

  • Between 80 - 90 percent of all human trafficking victims are women & girls.
  • It is the world's third highest profitable criminal activity behind drug and weapon trafficking. Some researchers say human trafficking is a $9.5 billion activity, but I have also seen the number as high as $30 billion!
  • 2 to 4 million people are trafficked within international countries. 
  • While 600,000 - 800,000 individuals are trafficked across international lines.
  • At least 161 countries are involved with labor and sex trafficking whether as a source, transit, or destination location.
  • Two children per minute are forced into slavery. That equals 1.2 million children a year!
  • In the United States between 14,500 to 17,500 are trafficked. 
  • 95% of women suffer physical or sexual violence while being trafficked.

 They say slavery has been abolished, but this false statement rings in the ears of thousands of lives tortured and forced to live this horror daily. Human rights are important to everyone, yet why does the world choose to ignore modern day slavery? It is a worldwide issue that must be addressed in order to save more lives that are innocent. Awareness is key! There are many organizations out there to combat modern slavery; however, not until the DNA Foundation did an organization actually gain prominent awareness in the media. The DNA Foundation was founded by Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher in an effort to raise awareness of sex trafficking. They use other celebrities to do PSAs in which the theme is "Real Men Don't Buy Girls." Many people claim that these ads "dumb down" human trafficking, but I believe any awareness is beneficial to something that many people aren't even aware of. I commend the efforts of the DNA Foundation and I recommend that everyone should visit the site. Make sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook!

If anyone knows or thinks a person is being forced into labor or sex trafficking please call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center 1.888.3737.888!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Family is anyone you choose to love

My Family

Kallie:  my one year old black lab

Keira: my two year old Samoyed

Aaron : It's been 5 years since we met at work

First Post of My Life

I am a completely new blogger! This is the first time I have ever posted a blog and I must say I am very excited to begin my new "interactive blogging" journey. People have always suggested that I blog to express my interests, gain notice in my career field, or use it to enhance my social media skills. But the truth is...I didn't think I had anything interesting to say. I do not have a huge decorated house that I could show off and post pictures of. I do not have the talent of making gorgeous jewelry for others to consider purchasing. I do not own my own company in which I can talk about my accomplishments at work. However, I know that I AM interesting and I have my own unique brand image that I can market to others. I AM a college student who is about to graduate in May and enter the work force for the first time (eek!). I AM a journalist for my college newspaper UT News and a reporter for WGTE-Toledo PBS's Plugged In. I AM a singer and a dancer who grew up performing and doing musicals. I AM an advocate for the fight to end human trafficking. I AM a complete nerd who loves to read books (AND comic books & graphic novels), watch all kinds of movies (sci-fi, romance, classics, action), and I AM a dog lover.